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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First aid for Burns

Minor burn:
Burns involving only the outer skin layer, in areas like hands, feet, buttocks in not more than 3 inches is considered as a First degree burn. If the area of burn exceeds 3 inches and the second layer of skin i.e., the dermis is also found affected, then it is called a Second degree burn.
Here are a few first aid measurements for first degree burns:
• The burned area must be cooled by keeping it under cool running water for 20 mins or dip the burned area in cool water (not ice cold).
• Do not apply ice on any condition as it may further cause damage to the wounds.
• Cover the burned area with a gauze bandage loosely.
• Do not use cotton or ant fluffy material to cover the wounds as this may get into the wounds.
• Do not apply ointments in wound since it may cause infection.
• If there is too much of pain taking Aspirin or Advil will settle it. While using it for children or people who have just now recovered from chickenpox or measles or any viral disease, it is best to take doctors opinion.
Major burn:
The third degree burn is when all the skin layers are damaged. The area looks black or may look dry and white.
Here are a few first aid measurements for the third degree burns:
• Cover the burned area with sterile bandage or moist towel or cloth.
• The burned area must be placed above the heart level if possible.
• Do not apply cold water in severely burned area as this may cause a decrease in body temperature, blood pressure and circulation.
• Try to remove the burning clothes not the burnt clothes, to make sure he/she is not in contact with heat or smoke.

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