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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pre Natal Testing


Blood Type -
 The blood is checked for ABO blood type.

Rh factor -
 It is checked with the blood whether it is positive or negative for Rh factor.

Glucose Levels -
 The blood test is used to measure the body's ability to metabolize sugar and screen for gestational diabetes.

Iron Levels - 
The blood test will determine if you have iron deficiencies in your blood.

Hemoglobin Levels -
 The blood test will identify the level of hemoglobin, which is the oxygen-carrying power of your red blood cells. The expected level is between 12 to 14 grams. A treatment for anemia will be prescribed if your level falls below 10 grams.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - A blood test is used to determine whether you have any of the sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, hepatitis B, or HIV.

Rubella (German measles) - The results of the blood test will determine if you have antibodies for rubella and whether or not you are immune.
Toxoplasmosis - The results of the blood test will determine if you have the toxoplasmosis infection as this may cross the placenta and may infect the fetus.


Prenatal (before your child’s birth) DNA testing:

Amniocentesis: This test is performed in the second trimester, anywhere from the 14th-20th week of pregnancy. During this procedure, the doctor uses ultrasound to guide a thin needle into your uterus, through your abdomen which draws the fluid which is tested.


Sugars - Sugar test is done to test the consistent levels of sugar (glucose).
Protein - Protein test found in your urine indicates a problem in kidney function such as an infection.
Ketones - Ketones are observed in urine when your body is breaking down fats instead of carbohydrates for energy.

Bacteria - Bacteria test is done to identify the load of bacteria in your urine which is a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Ultrasound may be performed at any point during pregnancy, and the results are seen immediately on a monitor during the procedure. Transvaginal scans may be used early in pregnancy to diagnose potential ectopic or molar pregnancies.


Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - This testing can be done earlier in pregnancy from the 10th-13th week. A doctor's consent is needed to do this procedure for paternity testing.

First Trimester Screen -
 The First Trimester Screen is a new, optional noninvasive evaluation that combines a maternal blood screening test with an ultrasound evaluation of the fetus to identify risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities, including Down’s syndrome Trisomy-21 and Trisomy-18.

In the second trimester a variety of test is performed to confirm the health condition of the mother and the baby, these test include
  • Amniocentesis
  • Cordocentesis - Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)
  • Maternal Serum Alpha - Fetoprotein Screening (MSAFP)
  • Quad Screen
  • Triple Screen Test - Multiple Marker Screen


In the third trimester the following tests are done
  • Biophysical Profile (BPP)
  • Fetal Non-Stress Test (NST)
  • Glucose Challenge Screening & Glucose Tolerance Test (NST)

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